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Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt

Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt


Key Highlights Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt

  1. Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt has been a preferred choice for asphalt pavement protection due to its durability and fuel resistance.
  2. It forms a hard, protective layer, safeguarding asphalt from weather damage, UV rays, and wear.
  3. However, concerns about potential health risks and environmental impacts have led to the emergence of alternatives such as asphalt emulsion sealers.
  4. This blog post will cover the pros, cons, application, and maintenance of coal tar sealer, allowing readers to make informed decisions about their asphalt pavement needs.
  5. We’ll also discuss the environmental and health considerations connected with using coal tar sealers.

Introduction Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt

Asphalt pavement needs good care to last through weather changes and everyday use. There are different types of pavement sealers, but coal tar sealer and asphalt emulsion are popular choices. This blog post will explain coal tar sealer in detail. It will discuss its advantages, disadvantages, how to apply it, and tips for maintenance.

Understanding Coal Tar Sealer and Its Importance in Asphalt Maintenance

Coal tar sealer is a protective coating for asphalt surfaces. It helps keep them safe from many harmful things that can cause early wear and tear. When property owners learn about what it is made of and how it helps, they can choose better ways to take care of their asphalt pavement.

The Basics of Coal Tar Sealer for Newbies

Coal tar sealer is a common choice to protect and improve asphalt surfaces. It comes from coal and is a thick, black liquid. This liquid has a mix design that includes refined coal tar, polymers, and asphalt products. When applied properly, it creates a strong and waterproof barrier. This barrier helps protect the asphalt from weather, harmful UV rays, and damage from fluids like oil and gasoline.

Why Coal Tar Sealer is Preferred for Asphalt Protection

Coal tar sealer has many benefits compared to other sealers. It is well-known for its fuel resistance. This means it stops gasoline and oil spills from soaking into the asphalt. This makes it a great choice for traffic parking lots and busy areas with a lot of vehicles. Another benefit is its great durability. When applied correctly, a coal tar sealer can last several years, even in tough weather. This strong protection helps keep things like cracks and potholes from happening.

Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt

The Environmental and Health Impacts of Using Coal Tar Sealer

While coal tar sealer has many benefits, we must also think about the environmental and health issues that come with using it. Knowing what is in coal tar and the possible risks is important. This helps us make smart choices about how to use it responsibly.

Breaking Down the Chemical Composition of Coal Tar Sealer

Coal tar sealer has polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These are a group of more than 100 chemicals made from burning coal, oil, gas, garbage, and other organic materials like tobacco or grilled meat.

These toxic compounds can harm human health and the environment. Although PAHs are usually present in low amounts in coal tar sealers, there are still worries about them leaking into soil and water. This could harm ecosystems and affect people’s health over time.

Health Risks Associated with Coal Tar Sealer Exposure

Exposure to coal tar sealer, especially when applying it, can pose health risks. Skin irritation is one of the main problems. The sealer can cause redness, itching, or a burning feeling when it touches the skin. Most cases are mild and clear up quickly, but people with sensitive skin may have stronger reactions. Long-term exposure to high levels of PAH is rare, but it has been connected to a greater risk of some cancers. These include lung, skin, and bladder cancer.

Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt

Comparing Coal Tar and Asphalt Emulsion Sealers

When you think about taking care of asphalt pavements, two main choices usually pop up: coal tar sealer and asphalt emulsion sealer. In this part, we will look at these two options. We will point out their main differences and share the pros and cons of each. This will help you make a better choice about which one to use.

Key Differences Between Coal Tar and Asphalt Emulsion

The main difference between coal tar and asphalt emulsion is what they are made of. Coal tar is a byproduct of processing coal, and it has PAHs in it. Asphalt emulsion, however, is made with water and asphalt, which makes it better for the environment. This change in makeup also impacts how they perform. Coal tar is very durable and can resist gasoline and oil well. Still, it has a stronger smell and can be harder to spread out evenly.

Pros and Cons of Coal Tar Versus Asphalt Emulsion Sealers

Both coal tar and asphalt emulsion sealers come with their own set of advantages and drawbacks. Understanding these pros and cons can help you choose the right product for your specific needs.

Feature Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt Emulsion Sealer
Fuel ResistanceExcellentGood
Drying TimeFaster dryingSlower drying
Environmental ImpactEnvironmental concerns due to PAHsEco-friendlier option
CostGenerally more affordableTypically higher
AppearanceDark black finishDark to Grayish black

While coal tar sealers win out in terms of longevity and resistance to fuel and oil, their potential environmental impact is a significant concern. Asphalt emulsion sealers, while requiring more frequent reapplication, provide a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option.

Application Techniques for Coal Tar Sealer

Proper use of coal tar sealer is important for it to work well and last a long time. Let’s look at the best ways to apply it and the common mistakes to stay away from. By doing this, you can get the best results for your asphalt surfaces.

Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt

Best Practices for Applying Coal Tar Sealer

Before you use Sealmaster coal tar sealer, it is very important to have a clean and dry surface. First, clean the asphalt well by removing dirt, debris, and any plants. Next, fix any cracks or damage using the right crack fillers.

After that, use a spray system or a squeegee to put on a thin, even coat of the sealer. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution. Let the first coat dry completely before you apply a second coat, which should be done within 24 hours. This two-coat process gives you better coverage and full protection.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Application

One common mistake to avoid is using coal tar sealer on new asphalt too early. New asphalt needs time to cure. This usually takes around 6 to 12 months before you can apply a sealer. If you put it on too soon, it can trap moisture and damage the surface.

Another risk is getting the mix design wrong. If you use too much or too little water, it can affect the quality and strength of the sealer. Also, if the surface is not prepared well, like if you ignore cracks or do not clean it properly, the sealer may not stick well. This can make the coverage uneven and reduce the sealer’s protective benefits.

Maintenance and Longevity of Coal Tar Sealed Surfaces

After putting in time and work to seal your asphalt surfaces with a coal tar sealant, the next step is to look after it. Knowing how to maintain it is important for keeping it strong and lasting longer. Good maintenance can really help your sealed asphalt last much longer.

Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt

Routine Maintenance Tips for Coal Tar Sealed Asphalt

To keep your coal tar sealed asphalt looking great, follow these maintenance tips:

  1. Clean the surface often. Remove dirt, debris, and leaves. These things can cause wear and damage.
  2. For parking lot areas, fix any oil spills or leaks right away. This helps prevent stains and possible damage to the sealer.
  3. Use a mild detergent mixed with water for cleaning. Stay away from strong chemicals. They can harm the sealant.
  4. Check for any cracks, fading, or damage from time to time. This helps you fix problems quickly and avoid more damage.

How to Extend the Life of Your Coal Tar Sealed Surface

To keep your coal tar sealed asphalt lasting longer, you need to be proactive. Don’t just rely on regular upkeep; there are more things you can do. First, avoid heavy traffic on new sealed surfaces for at least 24 hours. This helps the tar cure properly.

Next, check for cracks or damage often. Fix them quickly to stop water from getting in and causing more harm. Moreover, think about reapplying asphalt sealer every 2 to 5 years. This will depend on how much traffic there is and the weather. Doing this maintains a protective layer and helps your pavement last longer. If you follow these steps, you will get the most from your investment. You will enjoy your durable and good-looking asphalt for many years.


In conclusion, knowing the benefits and risks of using coal tar sealer is important for maintaining asphalt. Coal tar sealer provides great protection against the weather. However, you should be aware of its effects on health and the environment.

By following good application methods and keeping up with maintenance, you can make your asphalt last longer. Learn the differences between coal tar and asphalt emulsion sealers to help you choose what fits your maintenance needs. Remember, using the right techniques and maintaining your surfaces often will help you get the most from the coal tar sealer on your asphalt.

Coal Tar Sealer Asphalt

Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes Coal Tar Sealer Superior to Other Products?

Coal tar sealer is very strong. It gives great protection against bad weather, UV rays, and heavy traffic. It also has better fuel resistance. This means it protects well against stains from oil or gasoline spills. Overall, it is a tough sealer.

How Often Should Coal Tar Sealer Be Reapplied?

You should reapply coal tar sealer every 3-5 years. This timing depends on how much traffic and the weather around the area. Reapplying it on time helps to make it last longer. It also keeps the surface looking nice.

What is coal tar sealer and how is it used in asphalt maintenance?

Coal tar sealer is a layer put on asphalt pavement. It protects the surface from sunlight, water damage, and oil spills. This helps the pavement last longer and keeps it looking good.

What are the benefits of using coal tar sealer on asphalt surfaces?

Using coal tar sealer offers strong protection for asphalt. It helps make asphalt last longer. This sealer improves its strength against weather, sunlight, and oil spills. Overall, it increases the durability and longevity of asphalt.

Are there any environmental concerns associated with coal tar sealer?

Coal tar sealers raise environmental concerns due to their high levels of toxic chemicals that can leach into soil and water. These include PAHs, posing risks to aquatic life and human health. Proper disposal and alternative sealants help mitigate these impacts.

How long does a coal tar sealer application typically last on asphalt surfaces?

Typically, a coal tar sealer application can last anywhere from 2 to 4 years on asphalt surfaces, depending on factors like weather conditions, traffic volume, and maintenance practices. Proper application techniques and routine upkeep can help extend the lifespan of the sealant.